My weekend and update

Besides that, 35-guy finally asked me out. I hadn't heard from him in over a week, but he said that he had attempted but I was never home (which is a good excuse because I never am and I never gave him my cell number). So, we're going out to dinner tonight. I don't want to get my hopes up. To be honest, I'm totally excited but I don't want to look it. After all, my roommate has already dated him and when I told her I was going out with him, I was surprised that she congratulated me. And then said she'd hurt him if he did anything to me. What a good roommate. More like a big sister actually. So, I'll report back on how the date goes. He was so cute when he asked me. We were chatting on the phone and he says, "So... I wanna ask you on a date date." It was very sweet. I'm assuming we're going to dinner because he said, "Bring your appetite." Yes, he's a big flirt, so it should be a fun time. But I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'm thinking of it as a pity date. As in, he took pity on me. We'll just have to wait and see.
After my last relationship, I've decided that I don't kiss until the third date. Funny, when I was younger, I would wait months. Yeah, no wonder I never had a boyfriend in high school. I'd date a guy for a month and he'd get bored with me. It wasn't until college I gave up on that one. But then I went the opposite direction. I'd kiss a guy before I even had figured out if I liked him. No more of that. I'm a changed woman. I mean, I haven't been on a date in 6 months. I'm turning a new leaf. And I'm gonna stick to it.
Yeah, Desperate Housewives season finale. Lame. I think I'm going to drop it next season.

You didn't like it? I liked it. It was spectacular but the Mike scene alone-OMG!
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