My secret obsession

So, I've been pondering the whole "online dating" thing lately. I'm not desperate, not yet at least. But I've noticed that many of my friends are having great success with it. I have 2 friends from high school that met guys online and married them! And now, my best gal pal has a boyfriend in Atlanta that she met online. I've always been very cynical about online dating. To be honest, I thought it was only for desperate, ugly, fat women who couldn't get a date because guys rejected them before getting to know them. However, I've come to think its not like that anymore. There are smart, attractive women out there looking for a prince charming. Where is he?
I was talking to my best gal pal a few weeks ago on this subject. I couldn't help but ask if she would have been attracted to him if they had met over normal circumstances? Her answer: No. To be honest, I didn't think she'd admit to it, but she did. He's outgoing, she's shy, plus his pictures were somewhat deceiving. But they talked on the phone constantly so when they met for the first time 3 months after initial contact, she knew him well enough that none of the physical stuff mattered. However, what if the shoe had been on the other foot? What if her picture had been deceiving? Would he have been as prone to keeping her? I doubt it.
Haha I like ANTM. I really like seeing the final photographs-fashion is art to me:)
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