Friday, May 12, 2006

raining... ticked... in a parking lot

I had a rough day yesterday, yelled at everyone. Yeah, I was dying to speak to someone whose native language was English! I was lost, looking for an Advanced Auto so I could get a new windshield wiper because one of mine busted. It was raining, hard, so I had to use my windshield wipers and the broken one was scratching my windshield. Yeah, I was ticked. So, I called Advanced Auto and asked for directions, they were no help. They might have been if I could've understood ONE WORD they said! I ended up driving around parking lots for 45 minutes in the rain until I finally found them on my own. So, instead of going to the gym, I bought a windshield wiper.... but I needed to workout because I felt like punching someone. But I didn't. $19 for a winshield wiper seemed a bit much, but its beautiful! Its actually much better than the cheaper one I have on the driver's side. When that one breaks I'll buy the nicer one to match.

I went out to eat with my friend Erin, but there was no parking near the restaurant. And since she's doesn't live around me, she wasn't used to making illegal U-turns at the drop of a pin. I knew I should've driven! UGH! I was already frustrated from my earlier fiasco so I managed to yell at just about everyone within a 50 foot radius (the windows were down so they definitely heard me... and I feel no remorse... if they are being stupid, it is my right to point out their stupidity and lay on the horn).

Last night was movie night. It always is. Every Thursday a bunch of the girls come over and we watch a chick flick. We figure we need to get our fix before we spend our weekend out trying to get guys. Also, this way no guy of ours will ever have to sit through a recently released chick flick just because. Nope. I take care of the girls. Netflix is wonderful! So, last night it was Anne of Green Gables. A fabulously LONG movie. It didn't end until almost 11!

Another note, 35-guy hasn't called or emailed me in over a week. Perhaps I misjudged him. Oh well. His loss, right?

I'm having a much better day today. Probably because I started it off right. With Michael Buble and what's below. Love it, love it, love it! Its Bloody Cold!

I loved this! Just had to share it!


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