Friday, May 19, 2006

I almost peed my pants!

Yeah, I did... almost! I put a message on the a listserv that a couple of friends are on saying the following:

Let's just say that you, theoretically, have a wrist splint on each hand for a
very uncool reason... what's the coolest story (lie) you can come up with for
explaining your current theoretically ridiculous looking situation?
Theoretically, of course. Best story will get a prize... I dunno what, but I'm
sure I'll come up with something.

So, I've gotten a few responses. The following being the most amusing (wish I knew the guy... if he's hott, I'm totally marrying him!)

Here's a few ideas for openers for you:
So there I was, falling from the
helicopter, when I reached out and grabbed the edge of the Capitol dome with
both hands...
So there I was, on the sidelines, high-fiving every one of
the Baltimore Ravens on their way to the locker room...
So there I was, watching a gorgeous guy jog right by, and not wanting to let the opportunity go, (you know, 'carpe diem'), I grabbed him by both shoulders and yanked him back, yelling "Mine!"...
So there I was, knowing that I shouldn't be embarassed, that even the strongest Jedis get a little 'light-saber wrist'...
So there I was, three tugs away from breaking the county cow-milking
So there I was, with two brand new bionic cyberwrists, which I couldn't use yet because they needed 4 weeks to bio-integrate...
So there I was, handcuffed inside the Buried Water Trap of Death, having
successfully removed the chains and defeated the pirahnas, and running out of
air. I knew I had to get out of those cuffs quickly...
So there I was, swing dancing with Vin Diesel...
So there I was, rolling back the last of the beached whales into the sea, still no help in sight...

Yeah... I almost peed my pants! I read a few aloud to people at work. I was crying it was so funny! You wanna see something even more funny? Here's the keyboard the IT guy suggested I get: I have a feeling that will take some getting used to. Also, its like $200, so I'm not sure my company would be up for that. I've turned out to be a liability to my company! EEK!

So, here it is... very unexciting. I have Ulnar Tunnel. On both hands. How uncool am I? Yeah, I look absolutely ridiculous! Honestly, if I saw someone with wrist splints on both hands, I would make fun of them, because I'm nice like that. Yeah, so I'm ready for my friends to never let me live it down. No pictures please! I'm investing in long sleeves for the next couple of weeks. UGH!

Oh, any ideas what I should give the guy for his prize? Do you think my prize winning cookies will do it? Or should I offer a NCMO? hehe.


At 4:21 AM, Blogger M.A. said...

Why not NCMO and cookies?


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