My devastation
Because I'm a dork, I put in a blog counter so I know you've been looking at my blog. Yes, YOU! I'm fine with that. I don't think I'm very amusing, but if you find me in any way amusing, bonus!
The weekend was fun. No one was there to greet me when I arrived. Bummer. I ended up sitting around my house for 2 hours waiting for someone to come home. Saturday we drove to my aunt's house in Lynchburg and had a Mother's Day dinner. It was fun seeing my cousins. I'm actually looking forward to Memorial Day with the fam. You know what I'm in desperate need of? A tan.... and a new bathing suit. I think I'm going to break down and buy a swimsuit online because I'm so cool. And I might breakdown and buy some tanning sessions because I can't stand my stark whiteness. Call me vain. Whatever.
My sister and her hubby are living with my mom for awhile (they aren't deadbeats, he's in med school and is doing a rotation there). So, my sister is enjoying having all the help with the new baby. Did I mention that I have a 2 year old brother? Well, I do. So, the house was LOUD! My sister with her screaming baby (he's cute but he screams) and my mom with Jammers that doesn't yet know how to do anything but yell. I love my baby brother Jammers more than I can express.

He's taken to calling everyone "Honey" (that's totally acceptable since we're in the South). Whenever he got upset, he'd walk around saying, "what, honey? what, honey?" Then he would throw something and say, "What did you do?" Kids are so amusing. I might have one afterall. But I guess the whole man thing would have to come first. Details details...
Confession: When I get bored at work, I look at shoes on the internet. Not just any shoes either. Terribly expensive shoes that I could never afford. Like these:

Yes, I spend my days lusting after the shoes of the wealthy, while I shop at DSW. I realize I have a shoe addiction but I've gotten it under control in the past few years. How? I've given myself a spending limit. I never pay more than $30 for a pair of shoes. Sound impossible? It isn't. My 50 pairs of shoes are proof of it! That's why I love DSW clearance. So, the next time you find yourself gazing at a pair of shoes longingly, knowing that you could take care of them better and appreciate them more than any of those rich women or wealthy cross-dressing men, think of me. You aren't alone.
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