Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The depths of despair

I know its not normal to get attached to fictional characters, but I can't help myself. So, last night when Denny died on Grey's Anatomy, I cried. I sobbed. I loved him! The other girls I was watching with were actually happy he died. I can't imagine why! He was my ideal, except for the whole dying thing... and he's a little old for me. But still. I'm going to miss Denny. Call me crazy but I'd take Denny over McDreamy.

I'm ticked that the season is over. Why do they get the summer off? I still want to watch. How am I supposed to last all summer long without Grey's? I'm emotionally attached to all these characters. As Izzie said, "I'll never forgive you for making me love you!" *sniff sniff*... yes, I cried. And I continue to cry.

You know what I hate? People who talk through movie's or important shows. Or, even worse, people who mock what's going on in the program. Yeah, I almost took out my roommate last night because she kept mocking Grey's. NO ONE mocks Grey's. Grey's is sacred. Mock Desperate Housewives all you want, but don't mess with Grey's.

I'm not a freak. I don't normally get that attached to TV shows, but Grey's is different. Of all the shows I watch, I can't ever miss Grey's. Its the only show I watch live (everything else I record on the DVR and watch at my leisure). What am I supposed to do on Sunday nights now?


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Kara said...


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

I agree wholeheartedly!

And I remember my friends talking through the last episode of Friends and I wanted to KILLLLLLLL them! I was so invested in that show.



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