Friday, June 02, 2006

What I hate

As I was sitting at work this morning, I came to realize the small annoyances in my life that love to add stress to my day. We all have them, I'm sure of it. But as I sat staring at another screwed up excel spreadsheet, these annoyances almost drove me to my breaking point. So, here I am, relieving my small annoyances.

  1. I hate that my supervisor knows absolutely nothing about Microsoft Excel or Word. He attempts to do things on his own, only to call me and have me redo it all.
  2. I hate that when this happens he waits to call me until one minute before I'm supposed to leave for the day.
  3. I hated how short my hair was after my last haircut so I haven't gotten it cut since.
  4. I hate that I can never trust hairdressers. Its like they've never seen curly hair before!
  5. I hate that time when my highlights have grown out and I can totally see the line of the growthage (is that a word?). I also hate this on other people, especially people with straight hair, thus making it that much more obvious.
  6. I hate Stupid Dan that stops by my desk everyday and can't seem to take a hint to shut up and go away. I never should've gone out with him that one time. Okay, twice. But the first time it was a White Stripes concert (10th row!) and the second time it was restaurant week in DC. Who am I to turn down a good normally expensive but temporarily cheap meal?
  7. I hate that I can't get a date with a guy in his 20's. The 30+ men love me. As do the black guys.
  8. I hate the way I look in a bathing suit. It doesn't matter how much you pay for the bathing suit just because it says miracle on the tag, don't expect one. It doesn't shrink your thighs overnight. Unfortunately.
  9. I hate when people take pictures of me in my bathing suit, with bad hair and no makeup. That's just cruel. Can you say "blackmail material"?
  10. I hate the way I walk in 4 1/2 inch heels. I can't walk nearly as gracefully as I can in 3 1/2 inchers.
  11. I hate that even when a date doesn't go that well, the guy still doesn't call. Jerk!
  12. I hate that everything that tastes so good is SO BAD for you.
  13. I hate my job.
  14. I hate my boss.
  15. I hate all but 3 people I work with.
  16. I hate living in a basement where I get no natural light at all... but I do love having my own bathroom.
  17. I hate that the most adorable (but uncomfortable) shoes are the most expensive.
  18. I hate that target clothes fall apart after 3 washes.
  19. I hate that I wear sunblock so I don't get burned, but in the process, it also prevents me from getting any kind of tan.
  20. I hate that I'm supposed to just accept that all guys check out other girls despite the fact they're in a perfectly loving relationship with a beautiful girl. I think that's crap.
  21. I hate that I love Lindsay Lohan. I just can't help it.
  22. I hate The Turkey Man (the vendor who sells food across the street from my office... ugh). Pass the Pepto.
  23. I hate that I don't make more money. Budgeting isn't one of my strong points.
  24. I hate that Grey's Anatomy killed off Denny. Yes, I'm still bitter.
  25. I hate that all the good shows just take the summer off. I mean, they give us a great season finale and then nothing. What are we supposed to do all summer?!
  26. I hate that I don't have a window in my office. Its just unnatural.
  27. I hate that when I take the escalator up or down from the metro my hands are always covered with a mysterious black goo that doesn't come off with the antibacterial hand wash I keep in my purse. What is that crap anyways?
  28. I hate it when guys flirt with me and then don't ask me out. I don't like to waste my good flirting on a dead end.
  29. I hate church dances. They're always lame. And the guys are stupid. I've found its just better for my self esteem if I don't get asked to dance at all. Why, you may ask? Because if a big dork asks me to dance then I'm thinking, "is this really the best I can get?" When a good looking guy asks me to dance I'm thinking, "I hate it when a guy pity-dances with me." On the off chance that a normal guy asks me to dance (its happened once in 6 years), he never asks for my number and I never see him again. So, in the end I'd rather not dance at all. I feel better about myself that way. I know, I'm mental.
  30. I hate it when I lose service on my cell phone for any reason. I pay them so I can make a call anywhere. Can you hear me now? NO!! Yeah, Verizon, kiss my butt!

Okay, I think I need to stop now. This could go on forever. I sound like quite the pessimist, don't I? I'm not. HONEST! It's just the end of a rough week... it feels good to get it off my chest.


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