The big "c"
So, yesterday we got some bad news. My brother-in-law has been having some pain in his private parts.... namely, his testicles. So, he went to the doctor on Monday and his tests came back yesterday.Its cancer.
So, he's going in for surgery on Monday of next week. To make matters worse, my sister is visiting her in-laws... his family... in California! Just a question, if your husband was having one of his balls removed because of cancer, wouldn't you want to be there? I don't understand my sister. She's not planning on coming home early from her trip. They've never been separated for more than a couple days at a time since they got married 7 years ago and now, when her hubby needs her most, she's with his family!
I don't understand this!
I would be jumping on a plane asap....I realize he told her that he's fine, but I don't believe him. My mom is going to come up on Monday and take care of him until Wednesday, but what man would want his mother-in-law nursing his private parts? I'm really disappointed in my sis. I guess she and I just think differently.
ALSO, what is his family thinking?
If this was my brother, my mom would be out there in a heartbeat! Why isn't his family concerned? They know its cancer. I'm sorry, I hear the big "c" and it freaks me out. I just don't think my sister and my brother-in-law's family are taking this as seriously as they should. I think my sister and her hubby are in denial.
I have a friend I went to high school with that had testicular cancer when he was 20. He almost died, but made it through... he ended up coming out of it infertile though. Then, I was talking with a coworker today about it, only to learn that his son had died of testicular cancer in his teen years! So, I'm concerned and I just want to shake my sister. I have a feeling my brother-in-law's emotions are going to get the better of him at some point in the next week, and I think my sister needs to be there.
I talked to the 38-year old friend of mine (the one I talked about here) about that whole drama last night. I just didn't believe that my brother-in-law really wanted my sister to stay in California while this was going on, so I asked 38-guy when he called (he was talking to roommate, he didn't plan on talking to me... or rather, he never asked to talk to me. I just grabbed the phone). He agreed with me. His dad had testicular cancer a few years ago and his sister is dying of some kind of cancer right now, he says that my sister needs to get her butt back to VA quick. He says its going to hit My brother-in-law and my sister at some point of the severity of this situation. And when it does... watch out! I know my brother-in-law is putting up a front... he was talking to my mom yesterday and said he wasn't ready to die. He wanted to see his son grow up. I mean, if he's talking like that, there's some serious contemplation going on.
SO, if it was possible to reach through the phone and slap some sense into my sister, I would. But I don't feel as if I can do anything else but pray for them.
oh, wow. Best thoughts for your brother-in-law...maybe he REALLY reassured your sister that it was ok or something.
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