Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How hot is it?

Well, its not so hot that I sweat 26 ounces per hour! How gross is that? When I read this, I was about to dispute, but they clarified later that it's not the most uncomfortable because Phoenix has like no humidity. Yeah, Arizona... don't even talk to me!

I was walking at the Navy Yard in SE today and I thought I would die. I felt sure that if I cracked an egg on a black car, it would surely cook to well done. Ugh.

I know you want to know what I did last night! Everyone wants to know. I would want to know if I didn't already know! I went to see him:I can now, for the rest of my life, say I saw a legend in concert. Just fyi, once people reach a certain age, they can say just about anything. Yep, B.B. King is a bit crude, but I love him anyways. Plus, he said there is no such thing as an ugly woman. (Which is sweet, but I'd challenge him to say that after I introduce him to some of the women I've tripped upon. Can you say Fugly?) And since I was going to a concert, it meant it HAD to rain. I'm a jinx like that. Lawn seats... always fun.

So, it was one of the highlights of my life. Too bad no date was involved. Oh well. I did discover that some very hot guys like blues. I need to start hanging out at blues and jazz clubs...


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