Yeah, my day is sucky. Sucky sucky sucky!I hate that I went to college so that I could get a job where all I do is make copies! I got in this morning and my stupervisor (I'm going to call him that from now on... combo of stupid and supervisor) Charlie had sent me an email asking me to print a few documents out and then bring them to him. How lame is that?! He couldn't simply push the print button himself?!
Yeah, so then he shows up at 9 and comes up to my desk and asks if I have the documents. I said they were printed out and they were sitting in the copy room, I haven't had time to get them yet. He said that he needed them by 10, so to bring them to him as soon as possible... then he continued to WALK BY THE COPY ROOM! He could've just picked them up himself! So, I had to lock up the office, lock my file cabinets, lock up my computer, just so I could go the copy room, get the documents, and drop them on his desk without so much as a THANK YOU! Yeah, your an a**hole Charlie.

I recently caught the show The Office for the first time and I found it absolutely hilarious! Not that I'm actually working in that kind of atmosphere, it just makes it that much more funny! I know I really need to watch Office Space again... I have a feeling that I would get a lot more out of it now. Does everyone have ill feelings toward their bosses or supervisors? I mean, do some people LOVE their job? I know I don't. If I had the choice, I'd quit right now and never work again. I'm lazy like that. That would be the life.
Yuck! I hate when people waste more energy asking someone else to do something than doing it themselves.
I don't love my job but my boss is cool so that helps A LOT.
And yawning? V. rude.
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