Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm BA-ACK!!

Having just re-entered the dating scene, I find it all to be a little overwhelming. Funny how quickly I forgot the monotony of it all.

What do I mean? Let me give you an example.

I've known this guy for years. He's never really shown any interest and I was okay with that. But then a few weeks ago, he started seeking me out, showing an interest. I go on a group outting and he's there, he shows a genuine interest in me and even recalls some details that I had told him in the past (a definite plus). However, then another girl shows up and he's completely distracted. Sadly, this guy suffers from what I call colonialization.

No, I'm not using the webster's definition at this point.

Colonialization is a process that happens to many individuals in the DC area, but it is more common among the males. It begins when the individual comes to the DC area and meets all the nice, potentially dateable people. This individual then seeks out a particular individual, persuing with due haste, only to get distracted by the next attractive individual. Why settle for what they've seen when there's so much they haven't seen?! Why would they settle for this particular person (no matter how wonderful he or she is) when they could possibly, maybe, perhaps do better? So, they get distracted. They start going for the next attractive person, only to get distracted again and again. Unfortunately, it's a never-ending process because there's a constant flow of new people into this area.

So, yes. This guy suffers from colonialization. He will only talk to me when I'm the best option in the room, but when I'm not, he quickly ditches me.

Guys can sometimes suck like that.

However, I can't with all honesty say that I haven't suffered from colonialization. Yes, I too fell into the trap of the grass-is-always-greener-on-the-otherside mindset.

And it was fun.

For a spell.

Then I committed, fell in love, got hurt, and here I am again! It seems to be a never-ending cycle. Well, not never-ending. Hopefully, someday it will end. And when it does, I'm expecting a large rock to be on my finger.

In other news, I think I must be ovulating or something. Yesterday proved to be an interesting day... especially for a gal just entering the dating pool. It started off with the security guy (and no, he's not a security guard, he does our clearances and stuff) stopping at my desk and talking to me for quite awhile. We met in an elevator one day and he's a cutie. So, we talked and really clicked. And it was nice.

But then later, as I was walking into church in the evening, some guys were walking ahead of me. Not just guys, cute guys. They stopped suddenly, turned around, waited for me, and then proceeded to introduce themselves, and accompany me into the building. Just so you know, that never happens to me. And then they encouraged me to accompany them to a certain bible study class. I politely declined as I had some business to attend to, but wowsers! Hot boys talked to me?!

And then later, I heard a couple of guys talking about the massive campout that I planned a few weeks ago, one was asking questions, so I interjected and provided some answers... along with some witty banter. They then introduced themselves and proceeded to talk to me for a couple of minutes until I politely excused mmyself. And they were cute to boot!

See, I have no idea why this happens to me. Last night I managed to meet 4 attractive young men. I had conversations with 5 guys in all yesterday. I think that's a record.

So, I'm back in the dating scene. The dating pool. The meat (or is it meet?) market. Or whatever you want to call it.


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