Drama, drama, drama
As of late, I've noticed that all of my friends are slacking in the blogging department. Is this because they're so busy, or because they have nothing to say? Being that they're friends with me, I'm going to guess the first.If there is anything I'm known for its drama. Drama drama drama! I don't mean to be such a drama queen but I'm a magnet for drama. I can't dodge it, try as I might!
As for my life, it has continued. I quit my last job for one that is more fulfilling. And fun. And the people are nicer. And the building is great. And my desk is big. And my boss is awesome. And the paycheck is bigger. Yes, that is key.
You're jealous aren't you?
Hm… what else has been going on?
I bought a new car. A brand new car! Poor Molly (my '96 Toyota Camry) has been carted off to be sold to some cruel and heartless teenager that will surely abuse her. So sad. I miss her.
But now there's Lola. (Yes, I name my cars). Lola is beautiful. Very pretty. And slightly cocky. Her strut is that of a high end prostitute. She's got the regular features one would expect of a car, but I had her upgraded. Yes, she's already had some work done. So now when she struts down the street, she can know that she's got the heart of leather and looks great with her top down.
As interested as you may be in my car buying expeditions, they're over. Hence, I don't find them nearly as amusing now as I use to. Car salesmen are the worst. I don't like them at all. In the end I opted for the saleswoman. And I loved her. I still do actually. So, if you need to get a car, I have the gal for you!
Shall we dive into my love life?
Only if we must. Yes, the boyfriend proposed. He did. In April. Have I given him an answer yet? Um….. no. You might think that I'm torturing the poor boy but that is NOT the case. If anything it is the other way around.
And yes, the boyfriend is 6'4 guy. Or as I've been calling him lately: Big Jerkface.
Okay, maybe that was a little harsh.
Here's the drama (I know you've been dying to hear it all):
To recap, 6'4 proposed in mid-April after only 2 months of dating (un-exclusive dating on my part). From henceforth, I have dated him, and only him. I'm trying this whole "monogamy" thing. I would have to say, it's very trying. He met the fam. It all seemed to be going well. Except that I didn't know if I wanted to marry him. He was kind and giving and attentive and affectionate. And it was good.
But then the family turned. From what I have heard, they told him he couldn't support me. He had no money. So he set out to seek his fortune in the great state of Oregon (although I'm starting to doubt of its greatness… no offense to Oregonites out there. Or are they called Oregonians?)
That was 2 1/2 months ago. When he left originally, it was with a promise that he'd be back in 3 short weeks. And then he got offered a short term position that he just couldn't turn down. And that's when he added another 3 months on to that. Doesn't seem fair, does it?
So, what I don't get is that when he left, he left with the promise he'd be coming back. He has yet to do that. And now he's saying he's not sure he is coming back to D.C.
I can't be surprised. He doesn't have a job here. He doesn't have anywhere to live. The problem is he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life!!
I was all about supporting him in whatever he chose to do, but GOODNESS SAKE! He needs to figure out a career and get started.
Now here's the part where I get upset. So, he tells me he's out in Oregon, working 2 jobs, he's exhausted, and he doesn't have time to call. I try to be understanding.
But then he doesn't call for 5 days!!!
And then I find out that he's been taking time off. How in the world do you take time off from a temporary job?! Its all beyond me.
So, the kicker is this…. He says he's in Oregon because of me, but the only reason he'd come back to DC is because of me. How can he be in two places at once BECAUSE OF ME?!
Boys are dumb.
My frustrations have been mounting for 2 1/2 months now. You can figure that in that 2 1/2 months, I've maybe spoken to him twice a week. I can only recall one or two conversations that were an hour. Most are 5 minute conversations. How am I supposed to sustain a relationship on that?!
Yes, I'm a bit frustrated… because boys suck.
So, he sucks at long distance relationships, he hates the phone… oh, and he totally screwed up my birthday. What did I get? Nada. Nothing. Zilch! I finally got some flowers over 2 weeks late! And then there's me. I'm bound and determined that if this relationship doesn't work out, its not because of anything I did or didn't do. I'm putting everything into this so I can live without regret. I just can't stand to hear my mother say, "If only you had _________ it would've worked out".
Not this time. I'm covering my bases. I'm not smothering him, but I'm being loving and giving. I'm sending him care packages almost every week. I call him no more than once a day, if I call at all. I am practicing a whole lotta restraint.
Well, now I'm headed out to Oregon in about a week. I get to meet his whole family and see what happens. When I spoke to 6'4 ever-so-briefly yesterday, he sounded monotone, whereas his mother sounded estatic. Shouldn't he be excited to see me after almost 3 months apart?!
Guys are stupid.
So, I'm throwing a large wad of cash at the airline just so I can get peace of mind. I could go out there and it could be wonderful. Or not. I'm prepared for either. If only he'd take the ring back. Ugh.
Drama, drama, drama.
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